Monday, February 25, 2013

Days 8-13

I haven't posted in a couple of days. I have been somewhat busy/stressed/I don't know for the past couple of days. I have been researching some different foods that can help me quite a bunch on this healthier adaptation of my life. I have bought some Maca and Acai berry to add to my nutriblasts =). I have been feeling a lot better over the past couple of days. However, I have faced the enticing siren of fine home cooked meats such as country fried steak, my favorite of the country fried family. Being from the great state of Texas, country fried steak is in every restaurant you go to. This weekend I got seduced...and won...but I was not overall victorious against the wretched temptress. After about three hours of mountain biking on Saturday, my cousin Juan, Jeff and my beautiful lady decided to go out to eat. Now i've been having to settle with chips and salsa and a lot of veggie plates but I was really craving something heavy. Something that really hit the spot. As we pondered on the facility that would most satisfy our Texas sized appetite, we settled with the delicious tex-mex establishment of Posados in Bedford. 

Navigating through the corridors lined with booths and people stuffing their faces with fajitas and burritos, the scent of fajita meat and smoke lured my nostrils towards its direction as if an invisible hand was guiding me to perdition. However, we eventually were led to our seats and we were handed menus...there is nothing...nothing that I can have and frankly...i was getting tired of stuffing my face with excessive amounts of fried corn tortilla chips. So I ordered a chile relleno...stuffed with cheese....there....i said it. I failed. not willing to give up. Im feeling great, and I have done more cardiovascular activities within the last two weeks than I have done in the last 6 months. I understand that there are always challenges and temptations that we must all face but it is how you deal with those consequences afterwards that ultimately define you as a person. I might sound ridiculous to some..."come on now...its didnt eat meat" But it is not that, it lets me know that I wasn't strong enough to fight temptation and although I was told by my friends that I didnt have to eat that and that I would not be judged if I did or didnt, I went ahead and made my decision. Strike one for my Vegan powers, two more and the Vegan police will come and take me away. (Scott Pilgrim reference if you didnt catch that...great movie btw) 

I am not done, I know that I hit a bump on the road but like my mountain biking adventures, I stand there on the side of the beaten dirt path, catching my breath as I look at the road in front of me knowing that the more I go, the better it gets...besides, up ahead is where all the fun dips are and that's where I want to be.

Comment/Haterade below.

Keep it 100!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day6,7- Beans, Fake Meat and Dirt

These last two days were great. I got some work done and went on a scavenger hunt for vegan products at the grocery store. Now i know vegetables are vegan enough...however, i really wanted to look in to how vegans replace certain products that I have taken for granted. For beginners, I HATE MIRACLE WHIP. Its gross and taste like someone whipped some eggwhites and added aspertame to them. I am a mayo guy for sure. Aioli is way better but "aint nobody got time fo that". So I looked for a Vegan option to mayo. Nayonaise sounded better Vegginaise so i took that one. I also bought some breakfast "sausage" and some Vegan ramen cups...

So this morning I was craving something really heavy..since i dont have access to an elephant, and i cant eat meat, I settled for pancakes.....turns out, pancake batter...not vegan friendly. Crap. To the interwebs I went to get an idea. So there I am, craving pancakes. I check the pantry. Flour, vegetable oil, unrefined sugar, cinammon and almond milk. HOLY CRAP! I am seriously never going back to pancake mix.....GUACALA, these pancakes were the, so rich and delicious, and they didn't even have dairy in them. Im sure they weren't healthy, but screw it, I did p90x the day before like a champ. The vegan sausage was...interesting. Not bad, but not sausage. For lunch that was something else. Boca Chikin patty on whole wheat bread with the Nayonaise. Not isnt mayo but its also not Miracle whip. It satisfied my appetite.

 I wanted to work out today but frankly i get tired of monotonous exercise videos and running is hard on a 340 pound guy (yes ive lost 10 pounds) So i decided to take out the ol mongoose. Called Jeff up and went mountain biking, using the term loosely since there arent any mountains in a 300 mile radius. It was great. Just getting in to the woods and breathing in the polluted Dallas air...was life changing. Beats sitting at home watching Harlem Shake videos. "CON LOS TERRORISTAS".

Hungry and tired from our almost 2 hour fail in the woods i get home to the smell of one of my favorite Mexican comfort foods...Carne con Chile...delicious but hands off. Pork is tasty but its probably the reason why my uric acid is through the roof, so run off Wilber, I will no longer eat you my friend. On the other hand, the big ol' Olla de Frijoles my mom made was calling my name. Little hot sauce and 2 bowls later I am sitting here with my butt cheeks in pain from the bike ride writing this blog.
So far so good. I am looking forward to what is ahead.

 Comment/Haterade below! Keep it 100!

P.S.- I want to thank my buddy Elmer for retweeting the hell out of my posts. Good looking out bro. Follow him on Twitter @eRey27

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 4,5- weekend extravaganza

So far so good on this little quest of mine. I decided to bust out my old foe this weekend. The scale....i hate that sonofabeetch. So far 6 pounds. Now i know its probably all water weight but i've noticed something since i cut out meat and dairy. Now I apologize for the explicit content that I am about to lay out on this blog of mine. The bathroom and I are close homies. I love to triple d it. (dookieying with digital device)But man....the ol' porcelain throne and I have had a more intimate relationship these past few days. Visiting it more often has evolved our relationship from homies to BFFs. So that's probably where the six pounds went. Down the drain. Enough of the toilet talk. The weekend is usually the go out, drink something, eat a shit ton of food for me. So I was preparing myself for it. Saturday I had class. ( I am trying to become a teacher and I hope that by May i will be one) Class was fine, since i had muh coffee. Soy milk is really good with coffee since it really doesn't take that much of the coffee flavor away. By the time i was out, i was starving. Thankfully my beautiful lady has a big ol' salad waiting for me. Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, seeds,tomatoes, etc. It was delish and extremely filling. As we tried to figure out what to do, we called our buddies Jeff and Viet. Viet was changing his seats out in his car from a previous weekend where alcohol and potato chips didn't mix...not going in to detail because my dookie talk is enough gross crap for one day. Asian cuisine i believe is going to be my good friend. We went to a Pho restaurant.....I LOVE PHO....but the broth has beef in it...=( So just when i was going to give up and just order the tofu rolls.....I kept reading the menu. Buddha's delight. Rice, tofu, a ton of veggies and Sriracha. SOLD! Yummy Yummy Yummy. Pics up later. A night of karaoke and like 10 sticks celery created a great Saturday night. Sunday was awesome as well. Waking up at noon is killer since i hardly ever get to do it. Met up with Jeff and went to one of the only Vegan restaurants in Dallas....i live in BBQ heaven...not good if you cant eat that =( Spirals Diner is awesome, has Sketti and Meatballs, and delicious vegan nachos. Jeff...who is a self proclaimed nacho connoisseur, said they were not bad at all for nachos that did not have any real cheese or meat. Good stuff. I want to finish by thanking a really cool Reddit community. R/Vegan is awesome. I posted a link to my blog and every single person that commented gave me sound advice and great websites with many great recipes. I recommend watching "Forks over Knifes" great film. So it continues. Now off to eat some hummus. Comment/ Haterade below. Keep it 100!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 3- bananas are your friends!

Day trois! The journey continues. Still had a small trace of headache but nonetheless everything was great. Oatmeal for breakfast and finished two chapters on Hitchens. I haven't missed meat....yet. Last night my lady made a delicious vegetable medley and we served it in a bolillo (mexican bread) with black beans and copious amounts of guacamole. DELISH! Great Valentine's day. I have been reading stories on and they serve as inspiration for my 40 day journey. I haven't started working out, which I need to, but i know that weight loss has a ton to do with what you eat. Exercise is not something i look forward to. Its 100% my fault. Its not the mile tracks fault i cant complete it in under 15 minutes, its my own fat self allowing me to get to the point that running more than a hundred feet feels like my lungs and heart are about to jump out of my chest cavity. But its all about the baby steps. My buddy Jeff and I have gone walking/jogging a couple of times but i have not been consistent. He is doing it to stay in shape and help out his lungs. Jeff has taken the difficult task of quitting cancer sticks. All i have to say is good luck bro! Check out his blog and give him some love / haterade for motivation. Click here for Jeff's blog. So to the banana story. I am a massive snacker. I tear up bags of chips left and right. Donuts, I destroy them. Nutty bars....the best. Nothing beats an ice cold cup o' milk and half a box of butty bars......well.....maybe 3/4 of a box. Americana at its best. My father agrees with me. So this morning I got up and practiced my morning routine, drink water, grind some coffee beans, check the food pantry....BAM!!!!! Nutty bars....son of a bi......... i already have some tanzanian coffee grounds brewing that castaneous colored elixir from heaven. I tilt my head down....close the door to the pantry and walk away feeling victorious. I pour myself a celebratory cup of coffee, give thanks to the gods and pour some on the floor for the dead homies...with soy milk ofcourse. I also grab a big ol banana (no homo)and it hit the sweet-tooth spot, i think bananas are my new best friend. Great way to start day 3. Its looking good and im feeling good about myself. The seas ahead of me may be rough and unpredictable...but i have a cup of coffee and a banana to guide me through the storm! Comment/haterade below! Keep it 100!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Day 2- Happy Valentines day with a headache...

Day two, thirty eight to go. First off, happy valentines day to everyone, ladies, made your man a nice sandwich and men...give your ladies a massage or something... Not a bad first day, I had some mean green juice and a lot of fruit yesterday. Lentil soup that my mom made was yummy, i had two bowls. I snacked on almonds and pistachios. I've been researching different vegan products....frito bean dip is vegan DAFAQ? Thats good to hear, probably not good for you in excess. I was also told that oreos are vegan, lol but im pretty sure i need to lay off those bastards. So, I woke up with a massive headache today. Not going to blame it one the two hours of League of Legends last night with Viet, Jeff and Nina but t dawg needs to sleep a little earlier from now on. First thing i did when i woke up to combat the headache was down about a liter of water. I know majority of headaches are caused by dehydration. Nope, popped some pills, nope,ate some oatmeal (with water not milk....not bad) nothing......checked my pressure.....161/108 FAWK!!! thats pretty sure those djarums i smoked didnt help either but yolo. So this headache is still pounding but not as bad as this morning. My lady invited me to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes....only vegan dressing they have is the low fat Italian vinaigrette....meh.....not that great and neither was the salad....someone forgot to clean the romaine i guess, tasted like dirt. The minestrone soup (the only vegan option) wasnt bad at all. So that was lunch. Now im off to figure out what i will cook for my lady tonight and catch up on the second season of Duck Dynasty. I would go running today but it feels like my head is going to pop even when I get up from my desk chair. Screw it, ill double up tomorrow. Comment or haterade below! Keep it 100!