Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 4,5- weekend extravaganza

So far so good on this little quest of mine. I decided to bust out my old foe this weekend. The scale....i hate that sonofabeetch. So far 6 pounds. Now i know its probably all water weight but i've noticed something since i cut out meat and dairy. Now I apologize for the explicit content that I am about to lay out on this blog of mine. The bathroom and I are close homies. I love to triple d it. (dookieying with digital device)But man....the ol' porcelain throne and I have had a more intimate relationship these past few days. Visiting it more often has evolved our relationship from homies to BFFs. So that's probably where the six pounds went. Down the drain. Enough of the toilet talk. The weekend is usually the go out, drink something, eat a shit ton of food for me. So I was preparing myself for it. Saturday I had class. ( I am trying to become a teacher and I hope that by May i will be one) Class was fine, since i had muh coffee. Soy milk is really good with coffee since it really doesn't take that much of the coffee flavor away. By the time i was out, i was starving. Thankfully my beautiful lady has a big ol' salad waiting for me. Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, seeds,tomatoes, etc. It was delish and extremely filling. As we tried to figure out what to do, we called our buddies Jeff and Viet. Viet was changing his seats out in his car from a previous weekend where alcohol and potato chips didn't mix...not going in to detail because my dookie talk is enough gross crap for one day. Asian cuisine i believe is going to be my good friend. We went to a Pho restaurant.....I LOVE PHO....but the broth has beef in it...=( So just when i was going to give up and just order the tofu rolls.....I kept reading the menu. Buddha's delight. Rice, tofu, a ton of veggies and Sriracha. SOLD! Yummy Yummy Yummy. Pics up later. A night of karaoke and like 10 sticks celery created a great Saturday night. Sunday was awesome as well. Waking up at noon is killer since i hardly ever get to do it. Met up with Jeff and went to one of the only Vegan restaurants in Dallas....i live in BBQ heaven...not good if you cant eat that =( Spirals Diner is awesome, has Sketti and Meatballs, and delicious vegan nachos. Jeff...who is a self proclaimed nacho connoisseur, said they were not bad at all for nachos that did not have any real cheese or meat. Good stuff. I want to finish by thanking a really cool Reddit community. R/Vegan is awesome. I posted a link to my blog and every single person that commented gave me sound advice and great websites with many great recipes. I recommend watching "Forks over Knifes" great film. So it continues. Now off to eat some hummus. Comment/ Haterade below. Keep it 100!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this post makes Veganism look pretty tasty. (I wandered over here from Reddit..)
