Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 1- Ready, set, ugh....

So here it goes. I am 26 years old, 350 pounds and extremely handsome. Just actually 25. I've come to a realization that I weigh exactly 3 times what my beautiful fiancee weighs. That's scary.......for her. However, up until a couple of months ago I felt healthy. I had energy and although it took the breath out of me, I was still able to perform my daily tasks and then some. But one day as the grease from the 7th taco of my 10 taco lunch made its way down my hand and on to my bulging gut, it hit me. I was not taking care of myself AT ALL. My passion is philosophy. It has taught me to reason and to not be an absolutist. It also teaches me balance. Not the type of balance or lack thereof when im trying to stand on a skateboard, but the balance that one needs to live a good life. I think of myself as having a pretty well balanced life....except for the crap I stuff in to my mouth (no homo). Day after day and bag after bag of hot Fritos, I have continued to not really give a damn about my health. My not really concerned because my mother thinks i'm very handsome, so does my fiancee....however, not being able to do things because of my weight is what really bothers the hell out of me. My buddy Jeff and I recently talked about sky diving. I am not a thrill seeker at all but....hey, carpe diem. So we looked in to it. Turns out, no fat asses have ever tandem jumped out of a plane and if I did it I would hold the world record of fattest guy tandem sky diving....HOLY that fat that if i skydive ill break a record and maybe my ass.....damn. Other things that I really enjoy have to be either modified or not done. Having to tie the straps of my tank when I went scuba diving....not cool at all. Its all a matter of breaking habit. Being Mexican really doesn't help with the healthy foods. Don't get me wrong, my mother is an excellent cook, no one beats her Spanish rice and enchiladas NO ONE. But it is my copious amounts of this food that has set the foundation for my lack of health success. Also working a 9-5 in white collar america doesn't help either. I sat at a desk for 9 hours munching on cookies and whatever snacks our clients would bring us. The only time I burned calories was when i got up to take the next client or take the opening deposit to the teller line. Lunch consisted of 2 double cheeseburgers with mac sauce,large DP and large fries.....sometimes we would order Carnitas. Delicious chunks of pork deep fried in lard served with tortillas and a liter of pure sugar cane Mexican coca cola. Delicious...yes. Healthy......come on. This needs to stop. So here is the deal. Balance. I have spent 25 years devouring excessive amounts of meat, bread, tortillas, tacos, tortas, tamales (this is what we Mexicans call Vitamina T) so in order to balance out a bit I have challenged myself. It is Lent time, although im not a very religious person (balance) it is a perfect time frame to do what I have challenged myself to do. Go vegan for 40 days. That means no milk in my coffee.................FAWK!, no burgers, no tacos, no everything that is delicious pretty much. I am going to replace it with veggies, and plenty of them. My fiancee is also doing it to support me. She has been a vegetarian for almost 2 years so I will get plenty of tips from her for these 40 days. I will be doing smoothies and whole foods. I don't have access to my medical records at this moment but as soon as I get them I will try to post my blood pressure, cholesterol levels etc. I will compare on Easter Sunday what I have done and hopefully lose some weight. If you have any tips,stories,haterade....comment!


  1. That is awesome! :) There is a Vegan restaurant in Fort Worth and I think it's in Dallas as well. It's called the Spiral Diner. Remember that Oreos are Vegan and so are Swedish Fish. Good luck! I can't wait to see the results!
