Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 3- bananas are your friends!

Day trois! The journey continues. Still had a small trace of headache but nonetheless everything was great. Oatmeal for breakfast and finished two chapters on Hitchens. I haven't missed meat....yet. Last night my lady made a delicious vegetable medley and we served it in a bolillo (mexican bread) with black beans and copious amounts of guacamole. DELISH! Great Valentine's day. I have been reading stories on and they serve as inspiration for my 40 day journey. I haven't started working out, which I need to, but i know that weight loss has a ton to do with what you eat. Exercise is not something i look forward to. Its 100% my fault. Its not the mile tracks fault i cant complete it in under 15 minutes, its my own fat self allowing me to get to the point that running more than a hundred feet feels like my lungs and heart are about to jump out of my chest cavity. But its all about the baby steps. My buddy Jeff and I have gone walking/jogging a couple of times but i have not been consistent. He is doing it to stay in shape and help out his lungs. Jeff has taken the difficult task of quitting cancer sticks. All i have to say is good luck bro! Check out his blog and give him some love / haterade for motivation. Click here for Jeff's blog. So to the banana story. I am a massive snacker. I tear up bags of chips left and right. Donuts, I destroy them. Nutty bars....the best. Nothing beats an ice cold cup o' milk and half a box of butty bars......well.....maybe 3/4 of a box. Americana at its best. My father agrees with me. So this morning I got up and practiced my morning routine, drink water, grind some coffee beans, check the food pantry....BAM!!!!! Nutty bars....son of a bi......... i already have some tanzanian coffee grounds brewing that castaneous colored elixir from heaven. I tilt my head down....close the door to the pantry and walk away feeling victorious. I pour myself a celebratory cup of coffee, give thanks to the gods and pour some on the floor for the dead homies...with soy milk ofcourse. I also grab a big ol banana (no homo)and it hit the sweet-tooth spot, i think bananas are my new best friend. Great way to start day 3. Its looking good and im feeling good about myself. The seas ahead of me may be rough and unpredictable...but i have a cup of coffee and a banana to guide me through the storm! Comment/haterade below! Keep it 100!

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