Monday, February 25, 2013

Days 8-13

I haven't posted in a couple of days. I have been somewhat busy/stressed/I don't know for the past couple of days. I have been researching some different foods that can help me quite a bunch on this healthier adaptation of my life. I have bought some Maca and Acai berry to add to my nutriblasts =). I have been feeling a lot better over the past couple of days. However, I have faced the enticing siren of fine home cooked meats such as country fried steak, my favorite of the country fried family. Being from the great state of Texas, country fried steak is in every restaurant you go to. This weekend I got seduced...and won...but I was not overall victorious against the wretched temptress. After about three hours of mountain biking on Saturday, my cousin Juan, Jeff and my beautiful lady decided to go out to eat. Now i've been having to settle with chips and salsa and a lot of veggie plates but I was really craving something heavy. Something that really hit the spot. As we pondered on the facility that would most satisfy our Texas sized appetite, we settled with the delicious tex-mex establishment of Posados in Bedford. 

Navigating through the corridors lined with booths and people stuffing their faces with fajitas and burritos, the scent of fajita meat and smoke lured my nostrils towards its direction as if an invisible hand was guiding me to perdition. However, we eventually were led to our seats and we were handed menus...there is nothing...nothing that I can have and frankly...i was getting tired of stuffing my face with excessive amounts of fried corn tortilla chips. So I ordered a chile relleno...stuffed with cheese....there....i said it. I failed. not willing to give up. Im feeling great, and I have done more cardiovascular activities within the last two weeks than I have done in the last 6 months. I understand that there are always challenges and temptations that we must all face but it is how you deal with those consequences afterwards that ultimately define you as a person. I might sound ridiculous to some..."come on now...its didnt eat meat" But it is not that, it lets me know that I wasn't strong enough to fight temptation and although I was told by my friends that I didnt have to eat that and that I would not be judged if I did or didnt, I went ahead and made my decision. Strike one for my Vegan powers, two more and the Vegan police will come and take me away. (Scott Pilgrim reference if you didnt catch that...great movie btw) 

I am not done, I know that I hit a bump on the road but like my mountain biking adventures, I stand there on the side of the beaten dirt path, catching my breath as I look at the road in front of me knowing that the more I go, the better it gets...besides, up ahead is where all the fun dips are and that's where I want to be.

Comment/Haterade below.

Keep it 100!

1 comment:

  1. I still believe!!! Sometimes failure is the only path to success and this was just a minor hiccup. A delicious, succulent hiccup.
