Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2- Happy Valentines day with a headache...

Day two, thirty eight to go. First off, happy valentines day to everyone, ladies, made your man a nice sandwich and men...give your ladies a massage or something... Not a bad first day, I had some mean green juice and a lot of fruit yesterday. Lentil soup that my mom made was yummy, i had two bowls. I snacked on almonds and pistachios. I've been researching different vegan products....frito bean dip is vegan DAFAQ? Thats good to hear, probably not good for you in excess. I was also told that oreos are vegan, lol but im pretty sure i need to lay off those bastards. So, I woke up with a massive headache today. Not going to blame it one the two hours of League of Legends last night with Viet, Jeff and Nina but t dawg needs to sleep a little earlier from now on. First thing i did when i woke up to combat the headache was down about a liter of water. I know majority of headaches are caused by dehydration. Nope, popped some pills, nope,ate some oatmeal (with water not milk....not bad) nothing......checked my pressure.....161/108 FAWK!!! thats pretty sure those djarums i smoked didnt help either but yolo. So this headache is still pounding but not as bad as this morning. My lady invited me to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes....only vegan dressing they have is the low fat Italian vinaigrette....meh.....not that great and neither was the salad....someone forgot to clean the romaine i guess, tasted like dirt. The minestrone soup (the only vegan option) wasnt bad at all. So that was lunch. Now im off to figure out what i will cook for my lady tonight and catch up on the second season of Duck Dynasty. I would go running today but it feels like my head is going to pop even when I get up from my desk chair. Screw it, ill double up tomorrow. Comment or haterade below! Keep it 100!

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